Submitting Marketing Design or Print Projects (For Faculty/Staff/Students)

Prior to requesting service, you must sign in with your AU credentials (top right). 

From the Service Tab in the purple bar (aka Service Catalog), look for the Marketing Category, click and choose Design or Design and Print.  Sign in with your AU credentials in the upper right corner.

  1. Click Submit Project Request
  2. Complete the request form and then click “Mark Complete” (Note asterisks indicate a required field)
  3. On the left side there should be a check mark by the “General” Tab, and a circle by the Files tab.  This indicates that the General Tab is completed, but the file tab is not. 
  4. Files: If you have no files, select "Mark Complete".  If you have files to upload, use this tab.  Select your file and hit the Upload button, then select "Mark Complete"
  5. If you need to change something once you’ve done this, just mark incomplete to edit. 
  6. Now go to “Review and Submit”.  If anything needs to be added or changed, do this now.  Once you submit, you can’t update (however the liaison can).
  7. When everything is ready to go, hit “Submit for Review”

Once a request is submitted, it’s automatically routed to your liaison.  From there, if the liaison needs additional information that isn’t included, they will send you a note through the system asking for that information (this will come to your email, but will have “Team Dynamix” in the subject line).  Note:  When you reply to these emails, it will be captured as part of your project request.

Your request will be acted on by the liaison and designer once they have all the information they need.  You will receive an email once your project is reviewed and approved for design. 

When a proof is done, you will receive an email directing you to review the design (see Article: Finding Proofs in Briefcase).  Please reply to this email with any change you want made.  If you have extensive changes and you would rather send a marked up pdf, you can upload that document to the briefcase.  The liaison will receive an email when you've done this so they're aware you've sent changes.  

**Do not send an email directly to the Liaison as these won’t be picked up by the system (Team Dynamix).

Once you’re ok with proofs, you should respond with your approval.

Note:  All communication regarding your project should happen through TD emails.  All these communications will be linked to the project on our end so all information regarding the project is consolidated.

Other Notes:

  • Be aware of Turnaround Times
    • We’re not always able to accommodate rush jobs.  If a rush request comes in that we cannot accommodate, we may have to outsource to a contractor (at your expense)
  • If you have problems with the system and things aren’t working as you expect them to, please submit a Team Dynamix Issue/Concern Ticket. 
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Article ID: 2166
Wed 8/13/14 2:23 PM
Thu 9/17/15 2:26 PM